“Narnia” Tops the Weekend Box Office
To say the weekend box office this weekend was weak is an understatement. The weekend’s two new releases were The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader and The Tourist which saw a rating of 50% and 20% on rottentomatoes respectively. So the question was if the combined star power of Depp and […]
Cameron Talks Avatar Extended Cut, Blu-Ray’s, 3-D, and More
USAToday and The Hollywood Reporter each have a pair of stories out today surrounding James Cameron and they glean some new information about just about everything he has got his hands in. First off The Hollywood Reporter is talking about a re-release of Avatar with maybe up to 10-12 minutes of added footage in theaters sometimes […]
The AVATAR Trailer is Here! Watch now in HD 720p
Watch the trailer NOW! All I want now is to see this in 3D. I can’t believe I don’t get to go to Avatar Day tommorow! Watch the HD “Avatar” Trailer in 720P!
Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs
The third film in the trilogy is superior to the awful second, but doesn’t have the heart and all around quality of the first film in the series; and it utilizes the use of 3-D fairly well in a couple of key action scenes. Diego, Manny, and Sid are all living together in there own […]
To be perfectly honest I thought I was going to enjoy this movie. I have high expectations with Pixar films. However, last years Pixar film Wall-E had such a great trailer that it almost moved me to tears. The trailer for Up was exciting, but didn’t have the same effect. So, yes I thought I […]
Time Mag Has Seen Cameron’s Avatar (3D)!
And apparently it looks absolutely amazing! This is easily the most anticipated film of the year from here on out as the result could change the way we view cinema. Lets hope the story is as good as the effects and film making, read the full story at Time.
Alice in Wonderland by Tim Burton Pic Online
ready to plunge down the rabbit hole?
The Nightmare Before Christmas in 3-D
I’ll keep this one short. The Tim Burton produced stop-motion animated musical is a classic and one of the best of it’s kind. Jack Skelington tries to convince Halloweentown to throw Christmas instead of Halloween so Jack can feel something new in his life. I view this as a Christmas movie, but people celebrate this […]