Posted: December 3, 2009 at 3:01 pm / by zac / comments (0)
Local, Movie News
PTA Lining Up Next With Philip Seymour Hoffman
Variety is reporting that Paul Thomas Anderson (There Will Be Blood, Magnolia, Boogie Nights) is close to turning in his new script which will be a religiously fueled affair:
“a period drama to star Philip Seymour Hoffman as a founder of a new religious organization in the 1950s…The drama does not so much scrutinize self-started churches like Scientology or the Mormons, as much as it explores the need to believe in a higher power.”
Nobody else is signed on yet, but I would expect a killer cast here as always is the case with PTA. No release date yet, but with any luck maybe we can see this time next year.
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