Local, Movie News
Links for 8/26
Short batch but here they are!
-The director of Wanted, Timur Bekmambetov, will be next taking on Moby Dick.
-More Shane Black is a good thing, and the Cold Warrior sounds promising. Also go out and see Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang already; I will even let you take credit for finding the movie too your friends.
-A Rashomon remake is getting closer to becoming a reality.
-Head here for a bunch of material for Sam Rockwell’s Moon!
-Here is the Revolutionary Road trailer, I will be there.
-Paul Greengrass does Blackbeard?
-Johnny Depp to return as Jack Sparrow and star as the Mad Hatter for Tim Burton, and maybe even due the Lone Ranger, wow! There is also news about the next Cars and a third National Treasure in there.
-And is Clooney going to play the masked man to Depp’s Tonto?
-More Sherlock Holmes casting is wrapping up; Rachel McAdams being the big name newly attached.
-Ricky Gervais hosting the Oscars would be a really great idea.
-The I Am Legend prequel seems to be moving forward with considerable speed.
-Has Lucas found his Red Tails director?
–Valkyrie has a new trailer, and this should be a winner!