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DVD’s for 9/30
Iron Man (Ultimate Two-Disc Edition) [Blu-ray]
The biggest DVD/Blu release of the year for many, yes, some people enjoyed this more than Dark Knight, begins blockbuster season in the home video market. The a/v’s on this said to be solid with a wealth of extras for those so inclined. This is one of three amazing super hero movies this summer, Hellboy II and Dark Knight being the others, and this one has the honor of the best alter ego of a super hero, Tony Stark, on full display by the amazing Robert Downey Jr. If you are a fan, pick this one up, if you skipped it, you were a fool and you should go rent this asap! Get it on DVD here, Blu hit the link above.
Forgetting Sarah Marshall [Blu-ray]
Easily on par with the other Judd Apatow produced comedies also being re-released today, Forgetting Sarah Marshall, is a bust out for Jason Seigel as both a actor and writer, while also introducing us to Russell Brand and making Mila Cunis and Kristen Bell viable movie stars. The film is non-stop funny and Russell Brand is a joy to watch once he becomes a prominent player towards the end. This one passed up quite a few, but if you are a fan of Knocked Up, Superbad, 40 Year Old Virgin, do not miss this as it is arguably the best of the four to some. Get it on DVD here, Blu hit the link above, or get the Apatow three pack here.
The film that made Seth Rogen a star and Judd Apatow a sure thing is getting a blu ray release that is full of everything from the 2 disc release as well as updated A/V, you can get this as part of a pack with the above and below film as well, here, and it is a pretty good deal. This film is a modern comedy classic, and I think will hold up over time and was a huge coming out party for Seth Rogen, as he is in just about every comedy now, as he has proven he can carry a picture.
The 40-Year-Old Virgin [Blu-ray]
The film that introduced most of us to Judd Apatow, still might be his best comic creation on the big screen. You see one of his other films, and you are like, man this might be his best. But then, everytime I see this flick I am laughing my ass off again. This made Steve Caraell a star and the world should be thankful for it. Check it out on it’s own are a part of the fore mentioned three-pack.
The horror classic deals with an infecting virus and focuses on the drama of trying to figure out who is infected, rather then some monster in the dark. John Carpenter has made a number of films, but many will come back to this one as their favorite. The first of quite a few horror releases this week, and we will being seeing many more in the upcoming month for sure.
Dawn of the Dead (Unrated Director’s Cut) [Blu-ray]
Before Zach Snyder did 300, he did this remake of the Romero flick of the same name and did it extremely well. Definitely one of the better zombie flicks of the last 10 years, it is funny, action packed, and also very messed up and creepy. Plus, Snyder is on his way to possibly becoming one of the greats of his age if Watchmen pans out and you should know where he got his start.
The film that brought us M. Night still holds up extremely well, to bad it has been such a distain to Night as he has been labeled as a twist man becuase of this. I think he has made two pretty great films after this, Unbreakable is amazing, and signs is solid, but he gets so much shit for not making another Sixth Sense, I can see why he hates all the crap he gets. Anyways, he already topped this film with Unbreakable, and lets hope he gets to shed his chains and make something great again.
This doc on steriods is apparently extremely informative and entertaining, and I can’t wait to finally see it. The steriods era of sports has been all over everything as of late, and reporting like this and making people aware is causing a change in profesional sports for the better I think. This has gotten rave reviews, so you should probably check it out, I am.