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First Image from “Sherlock Holmes 2”
Right now Robert Downey Jr. can do no wrong. He has been on quite a run since his big release Iron Man, but I have been keeping tabs on him since Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang. I was initially nervous about the idea of Guy Ritchie directing Sherlock Holmes, but I loved the 2009 blockbuster so much that the sequel can not come soon enough.
It has already been well known that The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo star Noomi Rapace will be joing the cast for the sequel to play a French gypsy. Now we have our first look at Ms. Rapace in costume along with RDJ and Jude Law. While the image gives us nothing as far as story, it is still nice to see them all together.
The untitled Sherlock Holmes sequel hits theaters December 16, 2011. Stephen Fry and Jared Harris also join the cast for the sequel as Mycroft Holmes and Professor Moriaty respectively.
Are you excited about this sequel? What is your favorite RDJ film? Let us know in the comments below.