Local, Off the Wall
City of Livonia, Michigan Housing Commission – Section 8 Housing Application Starts
Late last month, the Livonia Housing Commission announced that the Housing Choice Voucher ‘Section 8’ application process and waiting list would open today – Monday, February 22, 2010.
Today, the website for the City of Linovia seems to be slammed – running almost too slow to even use. From their website:
“In April of 2001, the Livonia Housing Commission opened its waiting list and received approximately 7,000 applications. Please be advised that the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program waiting list will open for online application only, commencing at 9am on February 22, 2010.”
Here is the waiting list and tenant selection policy. taken from the 1st notification letter sent to applicants:
A. The Housing Commission will notify the public of the opening of the waiting list through the City of Livonia web site, public access channels, Observer and Eccentric newspaper, local Housing Commissions, Michigan Department of Human Services (DHS), disability organizations, Fair Housing Center of Metropolitan Detroit, advocacy organizations and other appropriate means to
ensure proper notice of availability.
B. Applications will only be available through electronic (on- line) submission on February 22, 2010. No paper applications will be accepted and applications are not available at Housing Commission offices. Families may only submit one application electronically.
C. The Housing Commission will limit the number of applications received via the internet to 1,500. A waiting list will be established for the applications received utilizing a “lottery”. This is not a first received first served process! Once 1,500 applications have been received the waiting list will close and you will not be permitted to complete an application. Once the lottery is complete each
application will be randomly assigned a number, the applications will be placed on a waiting list in order of the assigned numbers and according to Housing Commission preferences.
D. The Housing Commission will maintain one waiting list for the Voucher program. The applicants on the waiting list will be notified as to process for obtaining and monitoring their position on the waiting list. You will be notified with this information within 60 days.
Download the entire notification here. If you are trying to apply, and are having trouble due to the amount of traffic the site is receiving, keep checking back periodically at www.ci.livonia.mi.us.