Posted: January 26, 2010 at 10:35 pm / by Blake Fehl / comments (3)
Local, Off the Wall
American Idol Highlights Tonight: Katy Perry, Tasha Layton, and Jason Greene
Just like any other episode of American Idol, tonight’s had its ups and downs. Although, people like the hilariously awful Jason Greene keep it interesting enough, but I’d still rather watch the talented instead of the train wrecks. Luckily this night had plenty to go around. Katy Perry was the guest judge in a somewhat tame episode overall. That doesn’t mean there wasn’t a few questionable things….
Katy Perry had a run in with a feisty Jason Greene. Can’t say I don’t agree with him about her red top. Watch his awful rendition of the Diviynl’s “I Touch Myself”:
Luckily the evening was not all bad. Preacher Tasha Layton, yes you read that right, she is a preacher. Watch the video below, and let us know if you liked her audition: