Film, Local
58: Reel Spoilers Rewound 2 – Deep Fried Taco Movies
It’s a light week at the box office. The week’s sole new release couldn’t even crack the top ten. So we decided to bare our souls and reveal to you our dirty little cinematic secrets. That film that we know is a big steaming turd and yet…we can’t help but love.
Some call them “guilty pleasures” but we’ve never been one to take the easy route. We call them “deep fried tacos”. Why? Well, you know they’re not good for you. You know you’ll regret eating them. But you devour them anyway.
It’s Reel Spoilers #58: Deep Fried Taco Movies.
You’ve been warned. No, seriously. We’re warning you.
Starring: Tom O’Keefe, Dan Graney, Joe Buttice, Kevin Brackett
Run-time: 1hr 15min
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Download Reel Spoilers Episode 58.