AMC’s ‘The Walking Dead’ Season Three Recap, Season Finale This Sunday
Since its inception in October of 2010 I have been a huge fan of The Walking Dead. I will fully admit that I am a fan of the Television Series and have not read any of the Comic Series (I hear there are quite a few differences). My big justification for not reading the series […]
Comic Book Commentary: Horror Comics
In the 40’s and 50’s, the comic book industry was riding a massive wave of popularity. DC Comics had taken off with the introduction of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, etc. Other companies were flourishing as well but for completely different reasons. The biggest of these companies was EC Comics or Entertaining Comics. They began a […]
Walking Dead Going to Series at AMC
Not too long ago Frank Darabont was pegged to write and direct a pilot for AMC adapting the comic book Walking Dead, a zombie story about a band of survivors, and AMC has foregoed doing a pilot in lieu of a 6 episode run after such confidence in Darabont’s six episode arc. Jon Bernthal from […]