Tag: pan podcast
126: ‘Pan’ Starring Hugh Jackman, Levi Miller, Garrett Hedlund
Pan /pan/: verb 1. (informal) To criticize (someone or something) severely. I don’t care if your movie is about a flying boy. When you name your movie Pan you’re pretty much inviting derision. When you make a crappy movie about a flying boy…well, even more so. Bad effects, bad screenplay, bad acting…it’s veritable cornucopia of […]
125: ‘Pan’ Box Office Report (10/9 – 10/11)
The Martian repeats at the top of the box office this week. Kevin and Blake are out but Tom, Dan and Joe discuss the numbers, the future of James Bond and Nicolas Cage’s aborted attempt at Superman. It’s Reel Spoilers 125: ‘Pan’ Box Office Report You’ve been warned. Starring: Tom O’Keefe, Dan Graney, Joe Buttice Run-time: 45min