Watch “Paul” International Trailer – Simon Pegg, Seth Rogen, Kristen Wiig, and Nick Frost
I have mixed feelings on this one. While on one hand I think this looks hilarious, and I absolutely love the cast; on the other hand I don’t think many people are going to pay to go see it. The biggest star in the film is the one supplying the voice for the main character. […]
“Paul” International Teaser Trailer Starring Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, and Seth Rogen
Well, this is just about a geeks dream come true. Simon Pegg continues to bolster his geek credibility (not that he needs to), and teams up with his overweight, but charismatic Hot Fuzz and Shaun of the Dead co-star, Nick Frost. Add in Seth Rogen, Jason Batemen, and Kristen Wiig, and what you have is a future cult comedy […]
New “Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World” International Poster
Check out the all new poster from the upcoming release, Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World. For fans of the comic book it is based on, it might be of some interest to note that the final book to the series is coming out on July 20th. (I recommend picking it up at Star Clipper, the […]
Watch a New Clip from “Scott Pilgrim” Featuring Michael Cera and Chris Evans
I’m desperately hoping that this film gets enough exposure to make it a hit. So far everything I’ve seen from it has looked absolutely incredible, and it is a bit upsetting we have to wait until the end of summer to see it released. This clip puts to rest my thoughts of putting Michael Cera […]
Brand New “Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World” HD Trailer
Finally! There is another movie this year I can absolutely be excited about. If the first trailer wasn’t enough to sell you on the premise of Scott Pilgrim, I don’t know what will. I’m calling this as the breakout hit of the summer. Wright has a solid little cult following after Shaun of the Dead […]
“Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World” HD Trailer
I’ve been patiently waiting for this trailer for a while. I put Scott Pilgrim up there with Kick-Ass, because they both seem like they might be geek niche films that have wide appeal. They both have a populist appeal, but I doubt a lot of people will get some of the in jokes in the […]
Cop Out – Movie Review
Bruce Willis (as Jimmy) and Tracy Morgan (as Paul) are police officers and partners. When Jimmy’s extremely rare 1950s era baseball card (and sole means of paying for his daughter’s wedding) is stolen, he and Paul embark on a quest to get it back. However, retrieving the card becomes increasingly problematic when they discover that […]
Hot Fuzz
Edgar Wright, Simon Pegg, and Nick Frost have re-teamed for a send of buddy action films and they do a marvelous job for the most part, but still fall short of their previous effort Shaun of the Dead.Nicholas Angel (Pegg) is the premier officer in London, capturing numerous medals and awards for his valor. Angel […]