TV Review: Mad Men 4.13: Tomorrowland
What. Just. Happened? A year, a whole fucking year. That is how long we have to wait before we get any sort of answers to the complete 180 we were thrown tonight; as well as any of the many questions left unanswered in this season’s finale. I don’t even remotely know how I feel about […]
TV Review: Mad Men 4.12: Blowing Smoke
Ted Chaough must suffer! That is my most wishful goal of the season finale this coming Sunday after he ruined one of the best moments of the season, Don’s brilliant “Why I’m Quitting Tobacco Ad” and the moments that followed. “Blowing Smoke” was a big pick me up before the finale after a solid, but […]
TV Review: Mad Men 4.11: Chinese Wall
I am not going to lie, after one viewing of this week’s episode of Mad Men, Chinese Wall; I can’t help but think that this was one of my least favorite episodes of the show yet. What’s great about Mad Men though is that the episode was still a solid hour of television even if […]
Another Take By Zac: TV Review: Mad Men 4.10
Well crap, just when things started to look up a bit for a good portion of the family of SCDP, things go flying and hit the fan. Don is freaking out, I mean panic attack level freak outs, and that is because he is being background checked by the government due to SCDP’s involvement with […]
Another Take By Zac: TV Review: Mad Men 4.9
Focusing on the women in Mad Men’s life is a common occurrence for the show but I don’t know if it has ever been as exclusively displayed as this. Outside his interactions with Sally and Faye, Don doesn’t really have a story here and surprisingly it didn’t really hurt the episode. Peggy’s lesbian friend sets […]
Another Take By Zac: TV Review: Mad Men 4.8
So I have been hustling and bustling back and forth half way across the country these last 10 days and have neglected reviewing the last two weeks of Mad Men. Well I am here today to right that wrong in a couple of brief recaps and some bullets about the missed episodes on the site. […]
TV Review: Mad Men 4.7: The Suitcase
We have hit bottom. At least I really, really hope we have. But in hitting Don Draper’s rock bottom, wait; we were given the best episode of Mad Men yet. In what starts off to seemingly becoming a night out with the boys of SCDP quickly dissolves into a two character dance as Don and […]
TV Review: Mad Men 4.6: Waldorf Stories
Oh, Mr. Draper. How far you have fallen and when we thought the hole could get no deeper you make it ever so. And this week’s episode only made it look worse by juxtaposing his lowest moments yet against his spry and earnest beginnings at Sterling Cooper. God it was nice to see that young […]
TV Review: Mad Men 4.5: The Chrysanthemum and the Sword
A team of three is beginning to become very plainly clear to be the real heart and minds behind SCDP and one of those three doesn’t even have their name on the sign. Don, Lane, and Pete are clearly the movers and shakers of the firm and if anyone doubted Pete before they can not […]
TV Reveiw: Mad Men 4.3: The Good News
I think a better title for this episode would have been, “Don and Lane’s Excellent New Years Adventure.” That segment last night was hands down the funniest seven minutes or so of Mad Men in this viewer’s opinion and was a brilliant addition to an already terrific season of Mad Men. But we will get […]