The Long Box: Comic Book Casting Call – Daredevil
Back in 2003, Fox acquired the rights to Daredevil during the initial surge of interest in comic based films. The original cast was Ben Affleck as Matt Murdock, Jennifer Garner as Elektra, Michael Clarke Duncan as The Kingpin, and Colin Farrell as Bullseye. The movie opened to mixed reviews. A sequel was discussed but never […]
“Horrible Bosses” Opens July 8! Enter to Win Passes to the St. Louis Advance Screening!
Enter for your chance to win a pass, good for two! Synopsis: For Nick, Kurt and Dale, the only thing that would make the daily grind more tolerable would be to grind their intolerable bosses into dust. Quitting is not an option, so, with the benefit of a few-too-many drinks and some dubious advice from […]
Pride and Glory
Ed Norton’s latest is a brutal dirty cop drama that never really settles into itself and can be a bit all over the place, yet remains entertaining for the most part.Ray Tierney (Ed Norton) comes from a family of cops, but is kind of the outsider of his family at this point and juncture. His […]
In Bruges on DVD
In Bruges came out on video this week and you should rush out to buy it as it is currently in the top 3 standings of movies of 08 by my book. Here is my original review! In Bruges Martin McDonagh’s feature debut is an impressive one that weaves dark humor with a bit of […]
In Bruges
Martin McDonagh’s feature debut is an impressive one that weaves dark humor with a bit of action while diving into the psyche of a hit man.Ray and Ken (Colin Farrell and Brendan Gleeson, respectively) are instructed by their employer Harry (Ralph Fiennes) to lay low in Bruges, Belgium after performing a hit in London while […]