Local, Restaurant Reviews
Restaurant Review – Bailey’s Chocolate Bar
How can a restaurant with the word Chocolate in its title go wrong? It can’t. The Bailey’s Chocolate Bar is a perfect example of this. Whether you love chocolate, martinis, or even cheese, this is the place for you! The Bailey’s Chocolate Bar is one of Steve and mine’s favorite date night spots. If it weren’t for the mildly high prices, we’d probably visit here once a week!
With martinis known as the Thin Mint (yes, it does taste like the Girl Scout cookie), the Milk (milk chocolate and potently delicious) and the Raspberry (no chocolate in the mix, but it does come with a tasty chocolate swizzle stick), you have a variety of choices. No, these are not girly drinks – these are knock you on your ass drinks. So, unless you have a sober driver, I would limit yourself to two martinis! They also have a selection of 90 different beers, varying from the unique flavors to the homegrown Schlafly. And for the winos, there are drinks for you, as well.
But let’s get to the real point of Bailey’s (because not everyone is an alcoholic); the cheese and the chocolate. Nowhere else have I opened a food menu and found the desserts listed first. The Chocolate Inebriation is Chocolate Cake, with Chocolate Stout and Chocolate Ganache – chocolate, chocolate and chocolate. And to finish it off, a scoop of the most incredible Cinnamon Ice Cream I have ever eaten.
Now, you can visit Bailey’s for drinks and desserts, but I think you’re really missing out if you don’t try a cheese platter. The best cheese options I can recommend (and Steve and I go for the cheaper variety in column A – come on, the drinks are pricey!) are; the Gjetost (say it with me, Yeah – Toast!), a nutty, caramel tasting cheese. It even looks like caramel and goes great with the spicy nuts they serve on the side. This isn’t a normal, everyday cheese, but go ahead and branch out! Next, a classic Emmenthaler Swiss is delicious with the bread or the fruit options served on the side. Lastly, I would recommend the Port Salut. This cheese is much milder than the other two, but also very soft for spreading on the pitas or the bread. And, if you’re looking for an actual meal, try the Mississippi Alley Sandwich, a yummy pulled pork option, or the Park Avenue Pizzetta (a fancy name for Pizza). This Pizzetta is topped with BBQ sauce, local ham, pineapple and cheddar cheese.
If you can’t tell, I think the food and drink offerings at The Chocolate Bar (I always leave out the Bailey’s part) are amazing! And the restaurant is very romantic, with deep velvet reds and browns throughout, candlelit tables with single roses and a cozy outdoor patio. It’s hard not to snuggle up and dive into a drinking and eating experience at the Bailey’s Chocolate Bar.
1915 Park, In Lafayette Square
St. Louis, MO 63104