Local, Movie News
Links for 8-29
-A retrospective on The Big Lebowski is a must read at Rolling Stone.
-Here is the trailer for New York, I Love You, a short film compilation follow up to Paris, I Love You.
-Danny Elfman is scoring The Wolfman, I’m for it.
-Warner is looking to reboot Superman and their DC franchise properties in general.
-Are we going to get more Chronicles of Riddick, I hope so; it is a fun world to play in.
-First still from I Love You Phillip Morris, this film could be grand.
-More Halo concept art.
-Here are some cool Watchmen magazine covers.
-Woody Harrelson to fight zombies in Zombieland horror/comedy, sign me up!
-Here is a promo pic for Land of the Lost.
-Trailer links, Fast and Furious, Che
-A couple of cast additions for Toy Story 3 have popped up.
-Spielberg is helming the first Tin Tin picture, not Peter Jackson. He is writing The Hobbit and then will direct the sequel.
-Edgar Wright talks some Ant-Man.
-Another Palahniuk adaptation is coming, this time it is Rant.
–Clooney might be teaming up with Jason Reitman.
–No Heroics looks like a fun take on the Superhero genre, to bad it is reserved for British television.
-The Tropic Thunder fake doc, Rain of Madness is online at iTunes.
-Another trailer for Max Payne with Mark Walberg.
-Here is a clip from W.
-A John Lennon Biopic is being planned and has a director.
-Alex Proyas talks a Dracula prequel, sounds interesting.