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I am going to go trailer crazy!
So after that last post, I thought that in this slow time of the movie season, I should start promoting the stuff I want to see this year. So hear goes nothing!
Look for my 07 Best of mid next week!
Pineapple Express-Stoner-action-buddy-comedy with Seth Rogen and James Franco and it looks fantastic!
Funny Games-A Devilishly wicked trailer that looks like a fucked up and disturbing movie.
Leatherheads-George Clooney behind the camera again for a football romantic comedy; looks good to me.
Iron Man-Robert Downey Jr. looks to be bringing one to the best alter egos to a superhero on screen in this one and the action looks good without spoiling anything out of the first hour or so of the movie it seems.
Red Cliff-John Woo heads over sees to bring us the story of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms in this epic looking import.
Son of Rambow-I have wanted to see this for well over a year and had to walk out of the theater on my one chance to see it really early due to the fact that the sound was horrible and was ruining the experience, I still can’t wait to see this though in its entirety this summer.
CJ7– Stephen Chow’s latest, after Kung Fu Hustle I will see about anything he does. I don’t think this trailer even touches the surface of this movie either, which I think is a very good thing.
Charlie Bartlett-A new high school comedy that looks solid and has gotten very good reviews, this one comes out in a week.
Hellboy II: The Golden Army-The sequel to the much underrated first film looks bigger and better with Guillermo Del Toro getting a lot freer reign after his recent success.
Harold and Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay-Harold, Kumar, and NPH are back, you had me at NPH.
Hancock-Will Smith in an interesting spin on the superhero genre with an original character as well.
Speed Racer-I am a big Emile Hirsch fan and Matthew Fox is going to be good as Racer X as well. Oh and the Wachowski’s are using some new camera and have their first real movie since The Matrix trilogy.
Sex and the City-I think the show is pretty good if you can get by how horrible of a girlfriend and irrational a person Carrie can be sometimes yet they try to cast her as a heroine.
Chicago 10-A documentary about the trials surrounding the Democratic National Convention riots done with a cool roto-scoping animation. This is also the subject of Spielberg’s next film so this serves as an excellent warm up.
Valkyrie-Tom Cruise and Bryan Singer team up for this Hitler assassination plot thriller.
That’s about it, I’m sure I could find more, and there are plenty of movies I can’t wait to see this year that don’t have trailers. Either way, this is plenty to keep on your radar and I hope this helped put some films on your radar.