Concert Review and Photos: Lindsey Stirling at STL Music Park

Lindsey Stirling, one of the most talented and world-renowned violinists, also known for her
stunning dancing whilst performing, brought her tour through St. Louis this past Monday to STL Music
Park for an explosive performance. Accompanying Stirling was band Walk Off the Earth, who alone
could’ve headlined their own concert experience. Both acts, who got their early starts on YouTube, left
everything on the stage.
Walk Off the Earth brought their vibrant and bright palette of musical instruments to perform a
set comprised of equal amounts original music and fantastic covers. From AC/DC to The Beatles, Walk
Off the Earth brought the audience back to some of the most influential musical icons ever. In a rare
move from a headlining act, the audience actually saw Lindey Stirling join the band during their
performance of “Long Way Home.” It isn’t often the headlining act takes the stage before some sort of
grand entrance, but Stirling danced and darted around the stage with her violin for a brief number with
fellow tour mates teasing the audience for the show to come.
Band members Sarah Blackwood and Gianna Luminati brought their kids out, known as Luminati
Sons, to perform their smash hit “My Stupid Heart.” The audience absolutely ate every second of it up
and the kids slayed their performance. Before ending their set, Walk Off the Earth finished with a
medley played by all band members on a giant guitar that allowed each member to produce their own
unique sounds, covering and remixing songs such as “Somebody That I Used to Know,” “Industry Baby,”
“Africa,” and “Bad Habits.” I was absolutely blown away how organically the band moved as one to
create such an incredible number.
Headlining act Lindsey Stirling then took the stage (again,) for her grand entrance, welcoming
audiences to the “Lindsey Stirling Concert Experience” (although she pronounced it with much more
flare.) The energy started off at the highest level, and didn’t ease up for one second until the house
lights came back on. Stirling brought her raw talent that combines elegant dancing and absolutely
shredding on the violin to the stage to cover and span several hits from her studio albums.
But, what makes Stirling’s performance so unique? In my opinion, it is the combination of many
different elements that creates a showmanship unlike any other, which is why Stirling’s distinct style of
performance is so captivating. The lighting, strobe effects and staging efforts combined with Stirling’s
accompaniment – both in fellow musicians and dancers, and her bold exposition into untraditional
music not commonly seen performed on the violin is what makes everything so magical.
When you think she can’t surprise you anymore, Stirling of course raises the bar and introduces
a trapeze-like aerial element into her performance – spinning, dancing, hanging upside down, all while
suspended in the air over the stage and still playing her violin. When I say my jaw was as close to the
floor as possible, I’m not lying. Maybe it is because I didn’t know what to expect from the show, having
been my first Lindsey Stirling concert I have attended, but it was something that is hard to explain with
words (but for Review purposes, I sure am trying my best.)
It wasn’t even odd or seem out of place when she performed her rendition of “Carol of the
Bells,” a Christmas song, in the middle of August. (In my honest opinion, “Carol of the Bells” is the only
Christmas tune that can serve all year round.) Her and her dancers were so in sync and their movement was fluid and so connected. It seemed I was in trance-like state for most of the show. I was brought back
into reality a few times when Stirling stopped to tell some stories, such as the inspirations behind her
music or an interesting anecdote about a water study and the effects of words and language (an
interesting segway into her number “Crystalize.) But, it was her inspiration behind her songs “Guardian”
and “Lose You Now,” whom she dedicated to her late father, that was equal parts beautiful and
inspiring. Stirling then ended the experience with an encore performance that included a raw rendition
of Led Zeppelin’s “Kashmir.”
It was the first time I’ve gotten to see Stirling perform, but I can guarantee you it will not be the
last. Keep your eyes peeled for when she returns because it is truly an experience you will not want to
miss. The concert garners the highest amount of praise from me, from showmanship to performance,
and I was delighted I had the opportunity to attend. Check out the photos from the show as well!