Film, Local, Reel Spoilers
20: ‘Ender’s Game’ Starring Harrison Ford, Asa Butterfield, Hailee Steinfeld
This week on Reel Spoilers we spend a little bit of time on Last Vegas and 12 Years a Slave. Although when 5 white guys sit around talking about 12 Years a Slave you can’t help but think that somehow they missed the point. Luckily things quickly take a turn for the, um…homophobic with Ender’s Game. Yes, sci-fi’s favorite homophobe Orson Scott Card makes his leap the big screen. But he’d rather we’d say “jump” than “leap” because “leap” is a little “prancy”. So “leap” it is!
The film steers clear of gay-bashing (even with a shower scene…go figure) but we take the opportunity to discuss whether or not an artist’s personal beliefs or actions should prevent someone from enjoying their works. And in the process Tom systematically ruins 80% of pop-culture for you.
Do you like Led Zeppelin, Eric Clapton, Sean Connery and/or Johnny Cash? Well, if you do, you might not after Reel Spoilers #20.
You’ve been warned.
Reel Spoilers Episode 20: Ender’s Game
Starring: Tom O’Keefe, Joe Buttice, Dan Graney, Blake Fehl and Kevin Brackett
Run-time: 1 hr 21 min
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